This is the final round of my analysis of all the Unova starter pokemon. Today, I will examine them statswise.
Here are the Attack, Special attack, Defense, Special Defense and Speed stats of the Pokemon.
The Base Stats of Oshawott:
-HP: 55
-Special Attack:63
-Special Defense: 45
-Total: 308
The base stats of Tepig:
-HP: 65
-Attack: 63
-Defense: 45
-Special Atk: 45
-Special Def: 45
-Speed: 45
-Total: 308
The base stats of Snivy:
HP: 45
Attack: 45
Defense: 55
Special Attack: 45
Special Defense: 55
Speed: 63
-Total: 308
Looks like this round shows some advantages, and some disadvantages.
I guess there rightfully should be no winner of this round as it is a tie.
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Friday, August 17, 2012
Thursday, August 16, 2012
Genesect Event Details!
This is An Exosmash News Flash!
The details on the new event Genesect that can be obtained in Pokemon Black and white 2. Here is everything that you need to know. This information has been leaked from CoroCoro Magazine and has been brought to you by Exosmash.
The Event Genesect's Moveset Consists of:
-Magnet Bomb
-Signal Beam
- Its Signature move, Techno Blast.
If you visit the otherwise deserted P2 laboratory, you can gain the disc drives that alter Genesect's move type.
Technical Details:
Level 50
Event Runs till September 14
OT: Team Plasma
The details on the new event Genesect that can be obtained in Pokemon Black and white 2. Here is everything that you need to know. This information has been leaked from CoroCoro Magazine and has been brought to you by Exosmash.
The Event Genesect's Moveset Consists of:
-Magnet Bomb
-Signal Beam
- Its Signature move, Techno Blast.
If you visit the otherwise deserted P2 laboratory, you can gain the disc drives that alter Genesect's move type.
Technical Details:
Level 50
Event Runs till September 14
OT: Team Plasma
What is the best Unova Starter, exactly? Pt. 2
Part 2
The next round will be using examples from people who are commentating on the game. I looked around the internet for people who choose starters, and these are the results.
These results are from forums, and commentaries on the game.
Snivy- 7 people
Snivy seems to be a bit more popular this time around.
Tepig- 3 people
Still not doing so well.
Oshawott- 5 People.
Surprising compared to the last round.
The winner for this round is..... SNIVY!
The Score so Far:
Snivy- 1
Oshawott- 1
Tepig- 0
The next round will be using examples from people who are commentating on the game. I looked around the internet for people who choose starters, and these are the results.
These results are from forums, and commentaries on the game.
Snivy- 7 people
Snivy seems to be a bit more popular this time around.
Tepig- 3 people
Still not doing so well.
Oshawott- 5 People.
Surprising compared to the last round.
The winner for this round is..... SNIVY!
The Score so Far:
Snivy- 1
Oshawott- 1
Tepig- 0
Sunday, August 12, 2012
What is the Best Unova Starter, Exactly?
What is the Best Starter Pokemon in Unova?
This question has raised a lot of debate over time and I think that I should put all of the data together for you guys and see how you can figure it out. A lot of people may have different decisions on this matter, but I think that we can deduce this using stats, logic, data, and votes. The first thing I should do here is show you our 3 candidates.
On the far left, we have The grass type Snivy. On the right, we have the water type Oshawott. And last but not least, we have the fire-type tepig in the middle.
Part 1-Internet
I looked on the internet to find other people's opinions, and here's the data I gathered.
5% - Tepig
The winner of round one is OSHAWOTT.
Stay tuned to the blog for rounds 2 & 3!
Comment below! and Subscribe!
Achievement unlocked! - My tenth blog post!
Speaking Of Achievements, I just completed my tenth blog post, and that has to be some sort of Achievement, right! YAY! Now, I have to go eat my blueberry waffles, as they are getting cold. Hot dogs for lunch, and I can't wait! YAY!
Your comment is appreciated (but moderated) so no swearing.
Your comment is appreciated (but moderated) so no swearing.
Achievement Unlocked!-Achievements in Pokemon Black and White 2!
When Nintendo admitted to adding a new system of achievements to their Pokemon Black and White 2, we all had mixed reactions. The system was supposed to be for gaining medals and putting them into a "medal case" of sorts. The literal translation for the medal case would be called a "Friday box" in Japanese.
What we don't know, is that if the Achievements will be worthwhile or not. I hope that Nintendo didn't just spend a few weeks making boring achievements, such as: Buy a pokeball! Use the Pokemon Center! Capture 10 pokemon! Capture 20 pokemon!
I think that Nintendo may come up with something more sophisticated than that (hopefully) like: Humanitarian: Win a battle without your Pokemon get hurt! or,
Champion of the WORLD! : Beat all of the champions in the world tournament. But we
can never be sure about it, especially because Nintendo is trying achievements on a Pokemon related game for the first time. But who knows? There might even be some DLC like events, except with newer achievements added to the game, to continue the fun for a long time. Anyway, the point here is to just trust Nintendo and hope for the best with these so called "achievements" and wait for it.
By the way, if any of you readers can understand Japanese, then could you please let me know in the comments section, and we will find out if these new features in the Pokemon games are just wastes of time that we should do for the heck of it. However, they do look quite nice on a trainer card! I just hope there's a super cool one, like making Brock open his eyes.
What we don't know, is that if the Achievements will be worthwhile or not. I hope that Nintendo didn't just spend a few weeks making boring achievements, such as: Buy a pokeball! Use the Pokemon Center! Capture 10 pokemon! Capture 20 pokemon!
I think that Nintendo may come up with something more sophisticated than that (hopefully) like: Humanitarian: Win a battle without your Pokemon get hurt! or,
Champion of the WORLD! : Beat all of the champions in the world tournament. But we
By the way, if any of you readers can understand Japanese, then could you please let me know in the comments section, and we will find out if these new features in the Pokemon games are just wastes of time that we should do for the heck of it. However, they do look quite nice on a trainer card! I just hope there's a super cool one, like making Brock open his eyes.
Exo Recommends: UnovaRpg-A nicely done internet Pokemon game!
UnovaRpg - A nicely done internet clone of Pokemon!
Exo Recommends: UnovaRpg
Pokemon UnovaRpg is a fun internet game, and it features some pretty awesome ways to battle. The address on the internet is, and if you are looking for a break from your normal internet doldrums, this is the place! With all of the gym leaders programmed in, along with a ton of pokemon you can catch, this is a fun game that you will most probably have a lot of fun with.
Your player infront of Gym Leader Roxanne |
You can obtain lots of Pokemon, including all of the Pokemon native to the newest region, Unova. This is overall is a very fun game, and should be tried by people who don't have a ds, because this may be the second best thing!
Furthermore, If you have enough of the game's "IndigoCoins" (Equivalent to PKD) You can make your own room in the game, which can have any Pokemon you want, at any level you'd like! This is a good feature in the game, considering that some of us just want overpowered pokemon. (Not me, I already have an awesome team).
This game seems pretty legit, and it's got tons of players out there, so come join the fun with us on UnovaRpg! (My Room's got a shiny aerodactyl or two at level forty.)
Once you make your account, mention this blog ad to Exosmash and also mention the starter of your choice, and he will get it for you at no extra costs!!! Hurry, Offer ends September 30!
Pokemon for 3DS - Disappointed pokemon fans complain.
OK, don't get me wrong here. Pokemon Black and White 2 are pretty awesome games, and weren't anything short of what I expected from them, but lots of fans think that it's time for the jump from DS to 3DS in the Pokemon franchise.
This may actually be quite a task, even for nintendo due to massive 3D rendering capabilities on the system, it might take over a year to program a game that is extremely innovative and amazing.
There are 2 primary things that Pokemon players are anticipating now; both on DS and 3DS systems alike. Here they are.
OK, don't get me wrong here. Pokemon Black and White 2 are pretty awesome games, and weren't anything short of what I expected from them, but lots of fans think that it's time for the jump from DS to 3DS in the Pokemon franchise.
This may actually be quite a task, even for nintendo due to massive 3D rendering capabilities on the system, it might take over a year to program a game that is extremely innovative and amazing.
There are 2 primary things that Pokemon players are anticipating now; both on DS and 3DS systems alike. Here they are.
- Pokemon: Ruby & Sapphire Remakes
- Pokemon: Gray Version
Both of these situations may be pretty logical, but knowing Nintendo's enigmatic patterns, we may not even have a clue at what's coming next. So I guess the 3DS users just have to see how this one plays out, and hopefully wait for their turn to have a spot in the developing Pokemon game family, just as the GBA gave way for the DS.
Saturday, August 11, 2012
Pokemon World Tournament: A neat battle experience!
The Pokemon World Tournament is a tournament in which gym leaders (and other trainers) from all previous games compete in, and can be battled as a result. This facility is a new feature in Pokemon: Black and White Versions 2.
This feature is meant for many fans of the previous games, as you can battle people like Champion Red, Leader Volkner, Leader Blaine, And Champion Cynthia. This also means that the soundtracks have been updated, so you can finally hear official revamped versions of the Hoenn Gym Leader and Champion Themes. Furthermore, you can download special events that let you battle the winners of the pokemon tournament and their teams as well.
In the main story of the game, you also have a chance to join in on the tournament with Gym Leader Cheren and your Rival.
This is a fun new mode in Pokemon that will maybe bring back a lot of Hoenn-oriented fans, so the only thing we can do is wait for the English release!
This feature is meant for many fans of the previous games, as you can battle people like Champion Red, Leader Volkner, Leader Blaine, And Champion Cynthia. This also means that the soundtracks have been updated, so you can finally hear official revamped versions of the Hoenn Gym Leader and Champion Themes. Furthermore, you can download special events that let you battle the winners of the pokemon tournament and their teams as well.
In the main story of the game, you also have a chance to join in on the tournament with Gym Leader Cheren and your Rival.
This is a fun new mode in Pokemon that will maybe bring back a lot of Hoenn-oriented fans, so the only thing we can do is wait for the English release!
Pokemon Anime Failure - GARY OAK.
Here's a hilarious error made on Pokemon TV:
This picture is from one of the episodes of the first season of Pokemon depicting Gary Oak trolling the Kanto Pokemon league. But first, take a look yourself!
Did you laugh? Here's a meter on how sane you are based on this picture.
- You Laughed: You are normal
- You were Clueless: Why are you even on this site?
- You smiled:You're Ok.
- You frowned: You're one of the guys who made the episode, aren't you?
Pokemon Lab: We don't need a DS to battle anymore!
If you think Pokemon battles are fun,
Here's an app for you.
Exo Recommends: Pokemon Lab
While playing the pokemon game, did you find that battling was the main source of entertainment? Then you should really try Pokemon Lab.
There are tons of strong people waiting for battle on all of the servers, and better yet, you can make your own team from bottom to top! You can make them all Lv. 100, (Which are the levels of most of the users) or, if you think you are really good, make them LV. 85 or lower! It really is a challenge, and it's fun too! My username is Exosmash, by the way.
The application is really easy to use, too! Here's a quick instructional guide to get you battling right away.
Here's an app for you.
Exo Recommends: Pokemon Lab
While playing the pokemon game, did you find that battling was the main source of entertainment? Then you should really try Pokemon Lab.
There are tons of strong people waiting for battle on all of the servers, and better yet, you can make your own team from bottom to top! You can make them all Lv. 100, (Which are the levels of most of the users) or, if you think you are really good, make them LV. 85 or lower! It really is a challenge, and it's fun too! My username is Exosmash, by the way.
The application is really easy to use, too! Here's a quick instructional guide to get you battling right away.
- Download The Pokemon Lab app from The app is available for both mac and PC
- Unarchive the .zip file
- Open up the app and make an account
- Go to one of the servers on the list, any of them are fine. For me, only the server pokemonexperte is available.
- Click File, then team builder.
- Make and save your team.
- challenge someone to a battle
- load your team, and let them load theirs.
That's how you battle online without a DS. Happy battling!
--Stay tuned for more Exo Recommends--
Are You a MAJOR Pokemon fan?
ExoRecommends: Pokestadium
If you answered yes to that question, this new article may interest you. There is now a most interesting way to create trainer cards for yourself and new species on Pokestadium. At, the trainer card function is really cool and features most of all the sprites from pokemon Black and White, along with some other ones too. It includes all of the National dex pokemon, (even Unova), and in my opinion, the best one out there. It has a really nice organized format, and looks pretty good too. Here are some samples:
I've seen a lot of trainer card makers but this one has to be the best. Another cool thing about this website is that you can literally make new pokemon species. Take a look at some of the final products from this creator below!
As you can see, these are all really innovative creations, and that Pokestadium is actually a cool website to check out.
Look for more:
Exo Recommends
ExoRecommends: Pokestadium
If you answered yes to that question, this new article may interest you. There is now a most interesting way to create trainer cards for yourself and new species on Pokestadium. At, the trainer card function is really cool and features most of all the sprites from pokemon Black and White, along with some other ones too. It includes all of the National dex pokemon, (even Unova), and in my opinion, the best one out there. It has a really nice organized format, and looks pretty good too. Here are some samples:
As you can see, these are all really innovative creations, and that Pokestadium is actually a cool website to check out.
Look for more:
Exo Recommends
Pokemon Black and White 2 Roms
Looking for Pokemon Black and White 2?
If you are one of the types of people who wants the game way before it releases, I took the liberty of finding the roms of Pokemon Black and White 2. The Roms have been partially patched to english, so have fun with them a bit! The game functions pretty well, and I think that it's a significant improvement over Pokemon Black and White Versions.
Pokemon Black and White 2 is a definite change from Black and White Versions, and one can notice that quickly. For one, the Player character's designs have been revamped and given even more ridiculous hair. (My attempt at humor). The gym leader set has also changed, featuring an old friend from Black and White. You might also recognize the lady who gives you your initial starter pokemon.
The Gym Leaders in Pokemon: Black and White Versions.
Overall, this is a really fun game, and remember: This game is only partially patched, so a lot of it is still in Japanese. This is worth it if you are desperate.
Here is the website:
Another useful nugget of information is that the file is encrypted.
The Password is:
That is the password typed exactly.
Be aware that this cannot be unarchrived on mac's Archive utility. and
Instead, use a program like Zipeg and type in the password when prompted.
--Your +1 is appreciated--
If you are one of the types of people who wants the game way before it releases, I took the liberty of finding the roms of Pokemon Black and White 2. The Roms have been partially patched to english, so have fun with them a bit! The game functions pretty well, and I think that it's a significant improvement over Pokemon Black and White Versions.
Pokemon Black and White 2 is a definite change from Black and White Versions, and one can notice that quickly. For one, the Player character's designs have been revamped and given even more ridiculous hair. (My attempt at humor). The gym leader set has also changed, featuring an old friend from Black and White. You might also recognize the lady who gives you your initial starter pokemon.
The Gym Leaders in Pokemon: Black and White Versions.
The Gym Leaders in Pokemon: Black and White Versions 2.
Overall, this is a really fun game, and remember: This game is only partially patched, so a lot of it is still in Japanese. This is worth it if you are desperate.
Here is the website:
Another useful nugget of information is that the file is encrypted.
The Password is:
That is the password typed exactly.
Be aware that this cannot be unarchrived on mac's Archive utility. and
Instead, use a program like Zipeg and type in the password when prompted.
--Your +1 is appreciated--
Pokemon Conquest - An interesting spinoff!
Nintendo has released a new type of Pokemon game! Quite different from the series, Pokemon Conquest has brought a new gameplay experience to the Pokemon family. Similar to the battling system of the Pokemon: Mystery Dungeon series, this game may serve as the start of a new set of fans to Pokemon.
The game's boxart shows various "Warlords" that the player must
battle to progress in the game.
Pokemon Conquest features a way to control your own Pokemon while fighting enemies located in dungeons along the story. You must find allies by defeating them in the region of Ransei. The main villain of the game is Warlord Nobunaga, paired with Zekrom. You must defeat a set of other warlords and strategically station your troops so you are not conquered by other warlords during your rule. It is, overall a fun game and requires a type of intellect not introduced in the Pokemon franchise before.
The warlord Nobunaga
The Player, a male or female warlord begins the game partnered with a fairly powerful Eevee, and is aided by the female Oichi. One must venture into dungeons to find items and allies to your cause. Lots of items are still used in this game, such as potions and berries. However, there are warrior skills a pokemon may know. A good tip for you is that if you are battling with Oichi on your team, you may select her Jigglypuff's warrior menu, then choose the move sweet song. This will restore 50 HP on all of your pokemon, including Jigglypuff. This is useful when one is stalling out a Warlord or Dungeon.
Clearly, Pokemon Conquest is a refreshing change to all of the Pokemon Rpgs that Nintendo has been releasing. Overall, I think that this is a good change, and Nintendo managed to pull it off with flying colors. Congrats on the game, and it is a game worth buying.
I would rate this game 7/10 for great gameplay and originality, but it could use a little more of that "I'm a king" Kind of feeling.
Pokemon Black and White 2
I am very excited for the release of the games Pokemon Black and White: 2!
These games are supposed to contain many new pokemon, added to the Unova Pokedex, for better gameplay with more variety. There appears to be a new faction in Team Plasma, and there may be many more secrets to be revealed!
Pokemon Black Version 2 is going to be the sequel to Pokemon Black Version. It, along with White 2 will be the first games to not include the encounter of the legendary mascot in the main story of the game. Instead, you must activate a post-story event for this to happen.
Pokemon White Version 2 is the sequel to Pokemon White Version. Both games include a new faction of Team Plasma Headed by Ghetsis. N is a trainer you can battle after the game and is replaced by Team Plasma Scientist Corless. The new Team Plasma faction resembles a military of sorts
Team Plasma Sprites:
Male Grunt (N's faction) | Female Grunt (N's Faction)
This faction of Team Plasma tries
to put into order their own form of
justice, which is "liberating pokemon."
As a result, their uniforms resemble Knights.
Female Grunt (Ghetsis Faction) | Male Grunt (Ghetsis Faction)
This faction of Team Plasma is a more
militaristic faction and has a goal of
obtaining "Strong" Pokemon. This
motive is similar to that of your rival from
Gen. II and Gen IV.
Also, if you look closely at the number 2 on both boxarts, you will notice one is
Aqua-Blue, and the other is Magma-Red. Could this be a hint of future remakes?
All we can do is wait!
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